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# File: MoreCFMPatches.s
# Contains: Assembly language stuff for the CFM patching library.
# Written by: Quinn
# Copyright: Copyright © 1998-1999 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
# You may incorporate this Apple sample source code into your program(s) without
# restriction. This Apple sample source code has been provided "AS IS" and the
# responsibility for its operation is yours. You are not permitted to redistribute
# this Apple sample source code as "Apple sample source code" after having made
# changes. If you're going to re-distribute the source, we require that you make
# it clear in the source that the code was descended from Apple sample source
# code, but that you've made changes.
# Change History (most recent first):
# <2> 16/3/99 Quinn Fix checkin comment.
# <1> 16/3/99 Quinn First checked in.
# Each instruction is commented with its offset from the beginning
# of the routine, and hence the offset into the C PatchIsland
# data structure. Rather than comment line-by-line, I've included
# comments at the end of the file. These comments reference the
# instructions by their offset.
# Constants shared with "MoreCFMPatches.c". If you change them
# here, you must also change them there.
kSystemReservedFrameOffset equ 16
kPatchIslandSignature equ 'Nat!'
kPatchRecordSize equ 16
# TVector for the MorePatchCallThrough routine.
csect MoreCFMPatchesCallThrough{DS}
export MoreCFMPatchesCallThrough{DS}
dc.l .MoreCFMPatchesCallThrough{PR}
dc.l toc{tc0}
# Patch island code
csect .MoreCFMPatchesCallThrough{PR}
export .MoreCFMPatchesCallThrough{PR}
# Local labels correspond to field names in the C PatchIsland data structure.
lwz r11,0(sp) # 0
lwz r11,kSystemReservedFrameOffset(r11) # 4
addi r11,r11,kPatchRecordSize # 8
b PatchIslandCommon # 12
dc.l kPatchIslandSignature # 16
lis r11,0 # 20
ori r11,r11,0 # 24
lwz r0,0(r11) # 28
lwz r12,4(r11) # 32
mtctr r0 # 36
stw r11,kSystemReservedFrameOffset(sp) # 40
lwz RTOC,4(r12) # 44
bctr # 48
# 52
# Stuff after the "end" directive is ignored by the assembler.
How and Why
To understand this code you must understand three key things about
how CFM uses TVectors, as described in the "MoreCFMPatches.h" header
// a) the first word must point to the code,
// b) the caller must load the second word into R2, and
// c) the caller must load R12 with a pointer to the TVector itself.
// [This allows the callee to extract any extra information
// it cares to store in the TVector.]
This patch island must preserve these invariants.
There are two basic threads of execution. When the patched routine
is first called, we enter at patchIslandEntry. The next two
instructions (offsets 20 and 24) comprise the patch island payload.
[The term "payload" is explained in "MoreCFMPatches.c".] As written
here, they load R11 with a constant 0. However, when we build
a patch island, we modify these instruction to load R11 with a
pointer to the first patch record in the patch island (which is
actually at offset 52, although this code doesn't know that). Once
we have R11 set to the 'current' patch record, we fall through
to patchIslandCommon (offset 28), which does the bulk of the work.
PowerPC calling conventions on the Mac OS say that R11
is free for uses such as these. See "Mac OS Runtime
Architectures" <http://www.apple.com/developer/> for
The second entry point is callThrough, which is called when a
patch calls gMoreCFMPatchesCallThrough. The goal of this
entry point is to call through to the next patch record in the
patch chain. To that end, it must load R11 with the address
of that patch record and then 'fall' through to patchIslandCommon
(offset 28), which does the bulk of the work.
callThrough gets the appropriate patch record from the stack frame
of the callee (not the patch routine that's calling
gMoreCFMPatchesCallThrough, but the person who called the patch).
The instruction at offset 0 loads R11 with the callee's 'frame' pointer,
ie the value of SP that the patch routine's preamble saved there.
The next instruction (offset 4) gets the current patch record
pointer into R11 by extracting it from the system reserved frame
offset in the callee's stack frame. Next (offset 8), callThrough
increments that pointer by the size of the patch record, to shuffle
along to the next patch record in the chain. Finally (offset 12),
it branches to patchIslandCommon (offset 28).
patchIslandCommon is the guts behind the patch island. The input
parameter is R11, a pointer to the patch record we wish to invoke.
[As explained in "MoreCFMPatches.c", the last patch record actually
describes the original patched routine, but the logic works in
that case as well.] patchIslandCommon starts (offset 28) by
loading R0 with the patch code pointer from the patch record
pointed to by R11. [In C this is the patchCode field of the
PatchRecord type.] It then (offset 32) loads R12 with the TVector
pointer of the patch record. [In C this is the patchTVector field
of the PatchRecord type.] Remember, the Mac OS runtime requires
that, when a routine is entered, R12 must always be a pointer
to its TVector, so that the routine can extract extra information
from the TVector. Then (offset 36) we move R0 (the code pointer)
into the counter register, in preparation for a branch to it (offset 48).
But before that (offset 40), we store the R11 into the current frame,
which allows callThrough to extract it from this frame if the patch
calls gMoreCFMPatchesCallThrough. Finally (offset 44), we load RTOC with
the second word of the TVector (this is also required by the runtime
architecture) and then branch (offset 48) to the patch code, whose
address is in the counter register (put there by the instruction at
offset 36).
Neat huh?